
Our Mission

The mission of Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation is to provide innovative financing, training, and consulting services to public and private organizations who engage in building livable communities in Hawai`i.

HCRC seeks to accomplish our mission by facilitating affordable housing, community development, community development facilities, and economic development statewide.

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Below are resources related to community development.

Community Development Links

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The official website for HUD provides information on various community facility and community development gap financing programs.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRB-SF)

FRB-SF provides a wide array of community development resources ranging from research papers to training and events.

Hawaii State Energy Office

The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative is leading the way to energy independence for Hawaii.  Formed in 2008, this partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy and the State of Hawaii aims to help transform the way Hawaii meets its energy needs. 

Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF)

HCF is a public, statewide, charitable services and grantmaking organization for the benefit of Hawaii’s people.

City/County Links

Each county administers, amongst other things, its CDBG Grant Fund Allocation, and other community development/community services programs.

City and County of Honolulu

County of Kauai

County of Hawaii

County of Maui