
Our Mission

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HCRC seeks to accomplish our mission by facilitating affordable housing, community development, community development facilities, and economic development statewide.

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Economic Development

The mission of Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation (HCRC) is to facilitate economic development by providing below market rate loans and offering innovative financial resources, consulting/technical assistance, and training.

Financing Programs include SBA’s 504 Loan program which is a long-term financing tool designed to encourage economic development within a community.  HCRC is a Certified Development Company (CDC), authorized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to serve the state of Hawaii and provide small businesses with long-term, fixed rate financing to acquire major fixed assets for expansion or modernization.

Another resource available to facilitate economic development is New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC)  which provides gap funds in the form of equity.

For more detailed information on any of the economic development products and services mentioned above, please click on the applicable links, call us at 808-532-3110 or email HCRC This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .