


Our Mission

The mission of Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation is to provide innovative financing, training, and consulting services to public and private organizations who engage in building livable communities in Hawai`i.

HCRC seeks to accomplish our mission by facilitating affordable housing, community development, community development facilities, and economic development statewide.

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As part of our ongoing mission of helping the communities we serve, HCRC periodically holds workshops on topics related to our mission and those that support our goals.









GreenSun Hawaii Authorized Contractor Training

For information on the next scheduled training or to schedule a training, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 808-532-3110.



GreenSun Hawaii Participating Lender Training

For information on the next scheduled training or to schedule a training, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 808-532-3110.









Hawaii Small Business Forum

On August 22, 2011, a Small Business Forum was held at the Plaza Club for banks and CDFI credit unions.

Presenters Included:

  • Karl Fooks, President, Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation
  • Donna Gambrell, Director, CDFI Fund, U.S. Treasury, Washington DC
  • Chris James, Assistant Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington DC
  • Dr. Tin Myaing, Executive Director, Pacific Gateway Center
  • Craig Nolte, Regional Director, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • Jane Sawyer, District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration, Hawaii District
  • David Scherler, Program Manager, CDFI Fund, U.S. Treasury, Washington DC
  • Gwen Yamamoto Lau, President, Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation 



New Markets Tax Credits for Project Owners

On June 4, 2011, HCRC sponsored a training session for nonprofit organizations, commercial developers, affordable housing developers and government agencies to provide an overview of how the NMTC program works and how it can be leveraged to provide an additional 20% gap equity for business or real estate projects.  The training showcased actual NMTC projects including commercial real estate, mixed-use development, business and nonprofit financing as well as projects that included Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits.  Michelle Morlan, Director with the National Development Council facilitated this session.



New Markets Tax Credits for Investors and Leveraged Lenders

On June 3, 2011, HCRC sponsored a training session for potential New Market Tax Credit Investors and Leveraged Lenders.  The training providing an overview of the Investor's potential returns as well as the complexity of the leveraged NMTC structure, while providing creative options for leveraged lenders to mitigate risks.  Michelle Morlan, Director with the National Development Council facilitated this session.



Innovative Resources & Strategies for Businesses, Non-Profits, Developer and Community Builders Symposium

On January 26, 2011, HCRC was pleased to present this Symposium to provide businesses, non-profits, developers and community builders with innovative resources and strategies to help grow their organizations.  Featured speakers included:

  • Donna Gambrell (Director, CDFI Fund) (via satellite)
  • Robin Hyerstay (Director, Capital Markets Enterprise Community)
  • Michelle Morlan (Director, National Development Council)
  • Roque Barros (Director of Community Building, Jacob Center)


Session Descriptions

Hedge Your Interest Rate Risk - Lock Your Permanent Rate During Construction; Presenter:  Matthew Bayles, Bank of Hawaii

Interest rates are at all-time lows.  How can you take advantage of TODAY’s rates when your project will not be completed until 2013?  Join this informative break-out session to learn how you can hedge your interest rate risk.  Hedge Your Interest Rate Presentation

Build a Sense of Community Within Your Project or AOAO

Presenter:  Roque Barros, Jacobs Family Foundation

How do you get beyond a business relationship with your tenants?  Learn how to build strong relationships to create a sense of community and gain broader support for your project/property.  Learn how physical developers have partnered with community builders to create a 60-acre Smart Growth Village in San Diego.  Build a Sense of Community Presentation

New Market Tax Credits:  Get Equity Investments Without Losing Control of Your Business or Non-Profit

Presenter:  Michelle Morlan, National Development Council

This intensive session is designed to take the mystery out of this powerful economic development tool.  Businesses and commercial real estate development professionals will get a comprehensive overview of how the NMTC program works and how it can be used to provide additional equity for business or real estate projects.  We will showcase actual NMTC projects including commercial real estate, mixed-use development, business financing and projects that include Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits.  Attendees will be taken step by step through actual NMTC projects and learn the most important program basics.  NMTC Presentation     NMTC Handout

Building Sustainable Housing & Communities

Presenters:  David Bylund, Architects Hawaii; Gordon Furutani, HUD; Robin Hyerstay, Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.; Terrance Ware, City & County of Honolulu

Join this session to help shape the future of housing in Hawaii.  While certain parts of the country are reeling from a glut of foreclosures, Hawaii is confronted with the potential for immense housing shortages, strained infrastructure and energy shortages.  Careful planning is needed to help ensure that new housing is energy efficient, resistant to severe weather, constructed in areas that limit environmental impacts and include the proper mix of affordable rental and ownership to meet the needs of tomorrow.  Sustainable Community Presentation - D Bylund    Enterprise Green Communities Presentation - R Hyerstay    Building Sustainable Housing Around TOD Presentation T Ware

Luncheon Keynote

Robin Hyerstay, Director, Capital Markets, Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.

R Hyerstay Luncheon Keynote Presentation

Innovative Financing Programs for Your Renewable & Energy Efficiency Systems

Presenters:  Alex Tiller, Sunetric; Mark Glick, DBEDT

Do you want to lower your electricity bill for your business without a huge capital outlay?  Are you a non-profit organization unable to take advantage of energy tax credits to help finance your renewable energy system?  Or, are you a homeowner looking for a loan with repayment requirements that match your energy savings??  If any of these scenarios fit, join this break-out session where you’ll learn about innovative programs available to finance your renewable energy/energy efficient systems.  While there, be one of the first in the State to learn about DBEDT’s innovative new program that will incent and encourage financial institutions state-wide to provide flexibility in energy loans made to consumers and small businesses.  HI Solar Finance Presentation - A Tiller    Loan Loss Reserve Presentation - M Glick

Community Organizing/Community Engagement:  Successful Tactics and Best Practices


Presenter:  Roque Barros, Jacobs Family Foundation

How do you successfully engage residents to develop a vision for your project or community?  Learn how to build the capacity of residents to take the leadership needed to design and implement plans that support the vision they set.  In this interactive session you will also learn about the strategies used by the Jacobs Center to build “The Resident Ownership of Neighborhood Change.”  Principles shared during this session may also be applied to building membership or volunteer engagement for non-profit organizations.  Community Engagement Presentation

Leveraging New Markets Tax Credits for Your Affordable Housing Project

Presenter:  Michelle Morlan, National Development Council

This session will take housing developers and funders through the basics of this powerful development finance tool and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how the program can be used to benefit housing projects.  We will showcase actual NMTC projects including mixed-use development that includes significant amounts of housing, community facilities for non-profits and projects that include Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits. NMTC Handout    NMTC for Affordable Housing Presentation

Finance Your Office/Warehouse with Just 10% Down

Presenters:  Jody Mukaigawa, First Hawaiian Bank; Jerry Hirata, U.S. Small Business Administration

Are you a business owner looking to expand your warehouse operations or move your office space?  Are you short on liquid assets for the typical 25% cash down payment required for your commercial mortgage loan?  If so, you’ll need to attend this break-out session where you’ll learn of an innovative private/public partnership that allows small business owners (as defined by SBA’s size standards) to purchase a new facility, large equipment and/or renewable energy systems with just 10% down. SBA 504 Loan Presentation