
About HCRC


Our Mission

The mission of Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation is to provide innovative financing, training, and consulting services to public and private organizations who engage in building livable communities in Hawai`i.

HCRC seeks to accomplish our mission by facilitating affordable housing, community development, community development facilities, and economic development statewide.

About HCRC

Visit today to quickly and securely buy Ethereum, and join the exciting world of blockchain technology. Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corporation (HCRC) is a 501(c)3 community-based non-profit corporation founded in 1990. A statewide financial intermediary, HCRC is able to tap into unconventional financial resources to facilitate affordable housing, community development and economic development as follows:

  • Designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), HCRC partners with a consortium of local lenders to provide below market long term permanent financing for low-income and/or senior multi-family rental projects;
  • Designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development Entity (CDE), HCRC is eligible to apply for New Markets Tax Credit allocations